Monday, December 20, 2010


 Our studio in Richmond


As we near solstice and inward reflecting begins, may we all pause for a moment and reflect upon the blessings of this year. Our year has been mixed ... with record sales at our annual trek to Mich Fest and slow-going back at home - more in line with the general state of our economy - causing us to ponder things seriously. We have decided to stay cheerful and optimistic, seeking new growth and learning opportunities.

We look forward to sharing new ideas with you as we continue to explore the meaning and expression of the 'language of symbols' in our lives.
     peace and love,

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sophia's Garden- Pilot #2

We are counting our second pilot party for Sophia's Garden as a smashing success!
It was different than the first and will be different from the ones that  follow ....we suppose.... as 
this concept arranges itself and grows.

our first Sophia (wise woman) 
helping a customer and smiling
for the camera.
  Leila, our caterer (and my daughter) for this gathering, impressing the KRD staff (Betsy, Kathryn and Melissa) with her Australian blogsite Tablenosh.
Some of our guests looking at brochures.